Fab Grad & Distinguished Young Woman… Jen

Fab Grad & Distinguished Young Woman… Jen from Leesville Road High School‘s Class of 2016! Jen was the fabulous winner of this summer’s Distinguished Young Woman of Wake County, and as such, received a session with Jen Mink Photography. Among her talents, she is an actress & dancer and as coincidence would have it, a …

Fab Grad… Jayden

Fab Grad… Jayden. Oh, where do I even start with this young lady from Enloe High School‘s Class of 2016?! You learned all sorts or things about ‘her’, her amazing business (Magical Memories Party Entertainment… you know, in case you needed the link again 😉 ) in her Fab Grad Spokesmodel Feature Blog last week. …

JMP Fab Grad 2016 Spokesmodel Spotlight… Jayden!!

A little #TBT spotlight for my sweet, beautiful & oh so busy, Fab Grad Spokesmodel… Jayden McGrael from Enloe High School Class of 2016! Her individual session will be up next for sharing… but FIRST, as you will understand after reading what follows – she’s been a very busy girl and we haven’t had opportunity …

Miss North Carolina’s Outstanding Teen 2015… McKenzie

Here she is… our Miss North Carolina’s Outstanding Teen 2015, McKenzie Hansley! It’s been such a pleasure to sponsor the Miss North Carolina’s Outstanding Teens, and this year was certainly no different. We met up downtown, for our annual session in their state Capital. It was a gorgeous & very sun filled day. And Kenzie… …

Fab Grad… Nola Grace

Fab Grad… Nola Grace of Longleaf School of the Arts, Class of 2016 is next up for the September session blogs! Y’all may remember, our beautiful Nola Grace from her Fab Grad Spokesmodel Spotlight. Now it was time to do her personally planned 1:1 session. For this session, she wanted to do it in the …

Fab Grad… Jasmine

Fab Grad… Jasmine of Longleaf School of the Arts, Class of 2016 starts out the September session blogs! We couldn’t have had a more beautiful evening or setting to capture this extraordinarily beautiful young lady! I met up with her at Makeup for Your Day, where she was getting her hair & make-up pampered for …

JMP Fab Grad 2016 Spokesmodel Spotlight… Olivia!!

  My next beautiful spotlight… Olivia Bouzigard from Longleaf School of the Arts Class of 2016! In fact, she is the Student Body President of Longleaf and begins her Senior year… tomorrow!! Olivia describes herself as outgoing, positive and determined… extremely organized and when given an opportunity, she takes it to the fullest, giving it …

JMP Fab Grad 2016 Spokesmodel Spotlight… Nola Grace!!

My next beautiful spotlight… Nola Grace Brown from Longleaf School of the Arts Class of 2016! She is a dance endorsement candidate at this new fine arts focused, college preparatory high school downtown. Joining the Longleaf family as a sophomore in the school’s founding year, she will graduate as a part of the school’s first …

JMP Fab Grad 2016 Spokesmodel Spotlight, Audra!!

I’m so excited to start truly introducing y’all to my amazing Fab Grad Spokesmodels for the year! We’re starting off with a beautiful spotlight, Audra Chenoweth from Franklin Academy Class of 2016! Audra was hand selected to be a Fab Grad Spokesmodel after being recommended by a fellow FGSM, an in depth application and enjoyable …

Introducing My Class of 2016 Fab Grad Spokesmodels!!

Here they are! I’m so very pleased to introduce y’all to my very fabulous, sweet & beautiful Class of 2016 Fab Grad Spokesmodels and share with you the wonderful time we had at our group session… This is my second year running the Fab Grad Spokesmodel program (what many know as ‘Senior Rep’s)… it is …

Karson & Beth – Miss North Carolina’s Outstanding Teen & Miss North Carolina 2014

I was quite honored last year when asked to become an official sponsor of the Miss North Carolina‘s Outstanding Teen 2014. My daughter, Lizzy & I even got to attend the pageant (our first), where among all the other extraordinary things going on… there was this AMAZING tap talent that blew us both away and …

#TBT… Miss North Carolina’s Outstanding Teen 2013

It’s the Miss America Organization’s, Miss North Carolina & Miss North Carolina’s Outstanding Teen 2015 pageant week and my girl & I are looking forward to heading downtown for the finals this weekend! (as soon as I can decide which one to go to 😉 ). Understandably, while I’m quite excited to – it wouldn’t …

Beautifully Talented Raleigh Senior… Ashley

Oh where to start with this beautifully talented Raleigh Senior?! And when I say beautiful… I mean the kind of girl that genuinely exudes beauty from the inside out. There’s obviously the pretty brown eyes, dimples & smirk. However, she’s also sweet, with what I catch as the perfect little touch of sass. She’s polite, …

Adoring Parents to Be… Raleigh Maternity Session

Oh these sweet adoring parents to be! They’ll absolutely make you melt viewing the love they share and seeing the excitement they have for the son that was on his way! I said to my own husband one day “boy, he sure does looove her!” and his response was “uh, yeah! anyone that sees any …

A Precious Dream Come True… Raleigh Maternity Sessions

What better way to start off this years sessions & warm up the winter months than with celebrating two wonderful people becoming parents and the arrival of their very special lil’ fella?! In February & March, we did both a couples & an individual maternity session, even a newborn session to celebrate this precious dream …

JMP Fab Grad Spokesmodel Spotlight… Stephanie!

Congratulations to Stephanie Wiehe, Ravenscroft School Class of 2015… hand selected as my final Fab Grad Spokesmodel! As you may have noticed, she is my 2nd from the same school. Choosing to have such a limited group this year, I had no intentions of having more than one per school at this stage BUT then …

JMP Fab Grad Spokesmodel Spotlight… Robin!!

Congratulations to Robin Kikuchi, Ravenscroft School Class of 2015, on being hand selected as one of my Fab Grad Spokesmodels! It’s been so wonderful to work with her & have her as part of this very limited group! I can’t even begin to express how genuinely thrilled I am to have such an extraordinary & …

JMP Fab Grad Spokesmodel Spotlight… Ashley!!

I’m so very pleased to congratulate Ashley Keefe, Enloe High School Class of 2015, on being hand selected as my very 1st Fab Grad Spokesmodel! I couldn’t be more pleased to have such a wonderful young lady representing my work and wanted to take a few moments to share a little more about her & …

Introducing the 1st JMP Fab Grad Spokesmodels!!

Here they are! I’d like to introduce y’all to my very fabulous & beautiful Class of 2015 Spokesmodels: Ashley Keefe, Enloe High School Robin Kikuchi, Ravenscroft School Stephanie Wiehe, Ravenscroft School When I started to consider doing a ‘Senior Rep’ program (which I renamed as my ‘Fab Grad Spokesmodels’ 😀 ), the first thing that …

Destination Wilmington… Jess & Chad’s Riverside Wedding Weekend!

Travel to Wilmington to capture a wedding along the historic downtown riverside? ABSOLUTELY!!  Even better… for the wedding of Jess & Chad? Without a doubt, YES!! You may remember Jess & Chad from their Engagement & Bridal sessions earlier this year… they’re a couple that I simply adore to pieces! I was quite honored that …

Engagement Love… Jess & Chad

I know, I know… I’ve been so quiet on here so far this year that y’all can hear the pins dropping & birds chirping 😉 . All for good reason though, as I’ve been a busy, BUSY bee working away on updating & revamping this site (about 90% done 🙂 ), tackling a big family …

JILLIAN… My Entry into the World of Senior/Grad Sessions

As I navigate through my photography journey, exploring new areas and really focusing in on ‘specialties’… I find myself like a giddy school girl! After all the years of dreaming to be able to do something wonderfully fabulous & creative with myself… I am amazed that THIS is ‘my’ work! My poor hubby has to …

Oh SO Fabulous NEW Boudoir & Glamour Sessions…

I am SO very excited to finally get to introduce you to my new passion & spark… boudoir & glamour!! I had not intended to get into this genre, or at least hadn’t really put any thought into it yet… until this sweet client approached me to help her with her fiance’s wedding gift. And …